Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF)

& Remote Healing


In around 2017 I was introduced to Spokey2 Rife Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) and Remote frequency healing.  Other than pure fascination and desire to explore and research, my primary incentives for this were twofold.  Firstly, was to attempt to address the constant pain that I’d experienced for most of my adult life.

The second was to be able to carry on smoking tobacco in the knowledge that it was likely that I could cure any disease that it subsequently caused.  This probably sounds a bit stupid, but I wasn’t convinced that any harm would be caused by smoking hand rolling tobacco that was grown in the absence of pesticides and chemicals (toxins) throughout the production process, which are known to be the primary cause for any associated disease.  I mean, organic grown tobacco is widely used by plant healing practitioners, and known to be a medicine, however, I accept that any ‘medicine’ can be abused…

So, what is Spooky2 PEMF and remote healing technology, and how does it work?

Essentially, at its foundation, it promises to be able to cure pretty much anything, either locally or remotely, so long as you have a good idea of what it is that is you are looking to cure or heal.  Beyond that, it has the facility to perform bio-feedback sweeps, which will do a full body scan and feedback what needs to be addressed, and then provide the specific frequencies to work with.

The technology was developed by Royal Rife in the early to mid 20th century.  Rife was working particularly to understand how to treat kancer.

In brief, in the early stages of his research, he was unable to observe the matter that he was studying closely enough, so he then designed and built one of the most powerful microscopes of its day.  He subsequently went on to identify one pathogen that was responsible for all kancers, and got shut down by big pharma, because his discovery seriously threatened their multi-billion dollar industry.

The story and theories of Royal Raymond Rife (from “Cancer Active”):

This article covers the work of Royal Rife, a scientist who could well have been at least 80 years ahead of his time. Not only did he invent one of the most powerful microscopes ever seen, he used it to identify foreign matter, which he called a ’virus’, at the heart of every cancer. He then went on to work out the energetic frequency of each of the different ’viruses’ he found and even build a ’Rife Machine’, or colloquially a zapper, which could adjust electro-frequency and kill off that particular ’virus’ leaving healthy cells untouched.

He was ridiculed, attacked and his work stopped. He died a pauper. Only now are scientists once again thinking there might be an infection contributing to every cancer, as Big Pharma contemplates the profits involved in developing a myriad of vaccines.

Ref: https://www.canceractive.com/article/the-story-and-theories-of-royal-raymond-rife-1588

In his work he established that every single different pathogen vibrated at its own unique frequency, and that if you exposed the body or specific area to that specific frequency, then the resonance that occurred with the specific pathogen caused it to be destroyed and the waste to be removed by the bodies natural process.

One of the beauties was that if you got the wrong frequency, and there was nothing to treat, and so no damage is done by applying the wrong frequency, and there’s no danger of causing any harm in this respect.

So, that was the ‘Kill (kill pathogens)’ part of the frequency database.  The other part is associated with ‘heal’.

The ‘heal’ frequencies was where I focussed my initial efforts, and the results were immediately incredible.  My condition has often been assimilated in some respects to that of rheumatism, where I was seasonally effected by atmospheric conditions and changes in the weather.  Previously, each year that had passed, I’d begun to revere the coming of the winter and the coming of the spring, as the atmospheric conditions changed.  I felt it intimately in my body, and it was utterly debilitating for short periods of time, and the winters were also uncomfortable for me.

I first switched on a pain killing ‘heal’ frequency in around the summer of 2018, and for the first time that I could remember, not only had I removed the constant background pain that I normally experienced on a day to day basis (exacerbated in the winter), but also, to my joy, I did not experience the change of season discomfort during the following autumn!

In this time, I’d begun to investigate the now substantial database of over 44,000 different ‘kill’ and ‘heal’ frequencies.  The possibilities were extensive, and I was beginning to learn much about human biology and many medical terminologies that had previously been quiet alien to me. Conscious that a little knowledge was dangerous, I proceeded with caution.

What I found that was very useful was the ability to give myself vitamins and minerals remotely, and without having to invest in what might otherwise be an inferior product anyway, that you only saw the benefits from if you took with food, or in combination with further vitamins or minerals, for example.

I started simply giving myself vitamin C, because as far as I’m aware, you can’t overdose or take too much of this.  Your body simply excretes any excess in your urine.  And that’s exactly the tangible evidence that I observed.  When I ran the vitamin C frequency on myself remotely, then my urine stayed consistently orangy yellow in colour, and did not become more clear towards the end of the day, as is usually observed.  So, I started to learn about the 90 essential nutrients that the body requires for optimum function.

Success Stories:

My youngest Son was diagnosed with so-called “ADHD”.  Acutely aware of the truth that it’s a made up diagnosis used by big pharma to sell debilitating drugs, I assimilated knowledge and truth that I’d gleaned on the subject, and started him on a full body detox frequency suite.  The detox suite runs for about 12 days in total, and addresses and systematically removes all known toxins from the body (except mercury, if you have any amalgam fillings – if you included mercury in the frequency list, then all your amalgam fillings would quickly fall out).

Within just a few months, his mother and I tangibly noticed a remarkably positive change in his demeanour and particularly his attitude towards other people.  Sure, you can argue that it was simply the process of him ‘growing up’, however, I don’t believe in coincidences, and many of the negative traits of the so-called “ADHD” simply disappeared, as if by magic.

I’d had a slight cough on and off for over a year.  From my assessment, it could have been one of two things.  Either it was related to the smoking, which I was completely open to.  Or it could be related to the damp and mould that I’d been exposed to in a couple of properties that I’d lived in previously prior to the chough appearing.

I decided to attempt to investigate what was going on by analysing my phlegm using a simple microscope.  I was acutely aware that I was not an expert, and so I spent a lot of time comparing the images that I took with similar images online.  I was also conscious that I didn’t want to bias my analysis of the results with any preferential diagnosis.  So I was meticulous.  The conclusion that I came to that it was caused by mould, and I identified the specific mould and ran a frequency suite that included this particular issue, and the cough disappeared within a week.

I was approached by a friend who’d been diagnosed with prostate kancer.  I agreed to help, and after receiving a copy of his official diagnosis, and obtaining a sample of his DNA, I set about running a full body detox, followed by a suite of prostate kancer frequencies.  I was in the very fortunate position that my friends father refused any form of conventional treatment, so I could be pretty sure that what I was doing was the only mechanism that was effecting any change.

After 6 months, my friends father had a routine check-up.  He didn’t tell the consultant about the frequency healing that I’d been doing remotely for him, and when his results were delivered, the consultant siad, “I don’t understand…”  The kancer had reduced significantly.  I was overjoyed, as this was the first time that I had used the equipment for such purposes.  Within about a year he was discharged from care for this particular ailment.

A friend of mine was suffering with labyrinthitis.  Reportedly cured within a month after remote frequency treatment.

A friend was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  The truth is that this is a similar condition to s called ‘ADHD’, which is caused by toxins particularly in vaccines that are coerced to medical staff, which is why so many nurses and carers appear to suffer from the condition. 

So, I put her on a detox suite and the results were quite stunning.  After a few weeks to a month, she reported that she was feeling so much better.  The aches and pains had gone.  Walking had become easier, and she had her energy back!