Colloidal Silver’s been around for hundreds of years, along with colloidal gold and copper. They were widely used in doctors surgeries and hospitals around the world approximately a hundred years ago, for the powerful and scientifically proven healing properties they possess.
Colloidal silver has many healing properties, and is essentially a natural anti-biotic and antiseptic, and like other natural and relatively freely available healing remedies and modalities (which couldn’t be patented), it was gradually discredited and predominantly removed from mainstream practices by the all-powerful pharmaceutical industry.
It would appear that classical scientific approaches are unable to determine exactly how colloidal silver works, and I’d suggest that the answers can be found beyond these classical approaches (such as approaching it from a quantum energy interaction perspective). What’s clear is that, for whatever reason, there’s much confusion, misinformation and disinformation surrounding the product to be found on the internet.
What I’m presenting to you here is what I believe to be some of the truths surrounding colloidal silver, primarily from my own research and experience of making it and using it, and from testimonials of people who’ve also used my product. Where I’ve used external resources for information, I’ve referenced those sources, so you can check the detail for yourself. Appendix 1 is an extract from a relevant paper.
Unlike antibiotics, colloidal silver will not kill off beneficial organisms in your gut.
Colloidal silver has numerous potential health benefits. These include:
You can buy a product on the market that is essentially ‘micro’-colloidal silver, where the size of the silver particles in the solution are in the order of micrometres, and this can be reasonably effective, but it’s not as powerful as it could be, and certainly not as effective as the solutions that I’ve been able to produce and am about to describe.
One of the governing factors over the effectiveness of the medicine, is the silver particle surface area relative to the total volume of silver in the solution. If you reduce the average size of the silver particles, then you increase the overall surface area exposed, and increase the effectiveness of the medicine in the body.
What I produce is termed ‘nano’-colloidal silver, where the particle size is in the order of nanometres. My nano-colloidal silver has been described as ‘Magic Water’!
A micrometre (µm) is 1000’th of a millimetre (mm). And a nanometre (nm) is 1000’th of a micrometre.
So, 1mm = 1000µm, and 1 µm = 1000nm
So, 1mm = 1,000,000nm, or 1nm = 0.000001mm
Increasing Surface Area Relative to Volume Example:
So, if you apply the micron to nanometre scale factor described, you can see that by reducing the particle size from micrometres to nanometres, you’re increasing the exposed surface area significantly, and this is why nano particulate colloidal silver is so much more powerful and effective in the body, than solutions containing larger silver particle sizes.
But that’s not all I do to increase the effectiveness of the solution!
At this point I’ll say that water is one of the most abundantly present substances on the earth, which has the least amount of widely understood knowledge available, surrounding its properties and powers, and the things that you can do with it, and particularly surrounding the effect of contamination, the form and state that it’s in, and how you can manipulate it to provide the greatest benefit to health and wellbeing, not just for humans, but also for any living organism, such as animals, plants and trees.
Some time ago my mentor did an experiment to prove this concept, where he took two beds of identical soil and planted identical lettuce seeds in each bed. He then watered one bed with ordinary tap water and the other with tap water that he had restructured using a Cherokee Gold restructuring filter, which can be seen here:
The results were significant. The plants in the bed of lettuce that had been watered with the restructured water were at least double the size of the plants watered using direct tap water, and he claims that they tasted better too! I am fairly sure that this could be one of the methods that competition growers can grow such huge melons or cucumbers, for example, for their display pieces.
So, the first thing I do is to restructure the water:
Structured water is living water. It has scientifically proven consciousness and memory. For example, this is how homeopathy works. The water that we receive from the tap, although hydrating, and essentially looking and behaving as we would expect, is essentially ‘dead’ and also prone to contamination and toxins, which in the long term, are not good for the body. It is no longer able to provide the benefits to the body in the same way as healthy, pure, structured water is able to. This is why genuine and authentic natural spring water is so good for you, and tastes so much better than any water from any other source.
Do you remember in Chemistry lessons in school, where the class was shown a beaker of water, and it was explained that the slight rise of the waterline observed around the top periphery of the water was called the meniscus? The meniscus occurs as a result of surface tension between the water and the glass wall of the beaker, but this contact is also causing the water at that interface to restructure. Relative to the volume of the water in the beaker, the meniscus of the water provides a very small surface area, and hence why only a small fraction of the water in the beaker is restructured in a glass of water.
So, we’re back to the whole surface area to volume relationship, and hence why I went to some length to attempt to explain it previously!
So, when water evaporates and rises into the atmosphere and falls as precipitation on the mountains, it passes a number of key stages, which contribute to its vitality and health, when it emerges at the bottom of the mountain. It would make sense to consider that when it falls as fresh rain, then it’s memory has been reset. It’s observed that when you consume water, you’re also consuming the memory that it retains, and that can be positive or negative.
Firstly, at the top of the mountain, it is in nature, and the more natural and undisturbed the nature is, the more positive the effect it has on the water, from an energy and vibrational frequency perspective. If the nature and its environment is one of harmony, then it is likely to absorb that harmony and positive vibrational frequency too.
Secondly, it is likely that it will pass through some of the rock that the mountain is made of, as it finds its way to a natural spring.
The rock that it passes through is likely to contain narrow capillaries, which significantly increases the surface area that the water is subject to, which acts to structure a large portion of the water, if not all of it, by the time it gets to the spring. The width of the capillaries shown in the picture are vastly exaggerated for the clarity of the diagram, so imagine them being much narrower, and providing a much higher surface area exposure to the water.
Thirdly, the action of the whirlpool and eddy currents that it experiences, and the path that it takes, as it cascades down the waterfalls and channels, act to ensure that all the water is restructured by the time that it reaches the bottom of the mountain.
It’s important to start with the right quality water, as free from toxins and contamination as possible. I have a reverse osmosis water filter, which gets the water down to about 5ppm (parts per million) Total Determined Solids (TDS), measured with a relatively inexpensive TDS meter (tap water can be between (300 and 600)ppm when it reaches your tap), but even so, I want to start with a stock of water that is as close to 0ppm as possible, and use pharmaceutical grade purified water for this purpose, which is at 0ppm.
I then use a simple vortex filter to restructure the water. The vortex filter that I have, is a connector that you insert between two bottles, which creates a vortex of water when you pass the water between the bottles by spinning the water initially to kick start the vortex. Restructuring occurs where a thin layer of water is created by the filter on the surface of the lower bottle as it passes from the top bottle downwards. I generally perform the pass from one bottle to the other 6 times, just to be sure that all the water has been restructured.
I did ask my mentor whether there was any science behind the 6 passes, and he said ‘no’. I trust his intuition and experience, however I’d be curious to know whether I can simulate one of the ways of measuring the structure; that of freezing drops of water, and looking at their structure under the microscope. That way, I can see if there is room for further optimisation of the process, and possibly even the quality of the resulting water.
A drop of water on a microscopically flat surface measures exactly 10mm, and that is how the metric unit of measurement was derived (I believe by the Egyptians), so, where the scales of millimetres, centimetres, meters and kilometres originated from.
The final step that I use is performed during the vortex filtering process, and it’s the application of the intention of love energy to the water. There has been much research conducted showing the effect on water as a result of human intention, most famously by Masaru Emoto.
Thoughts are real things (Napoleon Hill), which can be measured tangibly with the right equipment. Plants and trees, for example, have been shown to respond to the intention of human thought.
One of the most tangible measurements you can easily make is that you can taste the difference. I’ve performed a number of blind tests on people, giving them a series of different water samples from different stages of the process, and unanimously the results have always suggested that the final product from these processes tastes better.
Once the water has been prepared, I then introduce the silver donor rods, and apply a current across them. I use a little electrochemistry trick that I’ve used previously while working with Watts and electroless nickel deposition during my doctorate, and that is to use a catalyst for kickstarting the process.
So, what I do is to use a small amount of colloidal silver solution that I made earlier, mixed into the prepared water. The catalyst solution has been prepared in exactly the same way, so there’s no chance of contamination, and it simply acts to speed up the process. When you prepare a mix from scratch without the catalyst solution it just takes a bit longer for the process to get started. The process for one batch will take me about a day, but this can be optimised further, and my timeframe is dictated by my availability, rather than how quickly it can be achieved. The Spookey 2 software that I use allows you to calculate the precise amount of time necessary, based on the volume of water that you’re working with.
Reference to Spookey 2 colloidal silver production kit:
I measure the stages of the process in two ways.
Firstly, by using the TDS meter that I mentioned earlier. Once I’ve added the catalyst solution to the 0ppm prepared water, it will usually increase the TDS to around 2-3ppm, and when it’s done, it’ll be around 6-10ppm. Anything above 6ppm is already effective. This measurement is useful, but can only be viewed as an indicator, as it’s not a precise measurement of the absolute silver content in the solution.
The second way I check the progress is by using a red-light laser, like the ones that you can use as a pointer during a presentation, or as some people might use to scare the shit out of random people by pointing it at them on the street, and making them think they are being targeted by a sniper (yes, that’s actually happened to me in Las Vegas one time, and yes, I did soil my trousers).
The way it works is that when you shine the laser through 0ppm water, there is nothing for it to reflect against to become visible, so it’s completely invisible in the water. So, you don’t see any beam, however, when the water has particulate in it, then you see a beam of red light, and that beam intensifies as the particulate (the solid content) increases.
I found it interesting to observe the difference between my filtered water, and ordinary tap water, and sure enough, I saw no beam in the filtered water, but in the tap water there was a clearly visible level of contamination (and also a significantly higher TDS reading).
With the colloidal silver, what you’re aiming to get to, is a solid red beam through the solution, and as you work with it, you can gradually recognise the various levels of silver content as the production proceeds by judging the intensity of the reflected light.
On a day-to-day basis
For dermatological issues, such as styes or cold sores, simply apply a few drops to the effected area as soon as the symptoms are experienced
For dental issues
Those are the main purposes that I and my friends have personally used it for, and there are a number of books available about the healing power of colloidal silver, including:
Max Crarer, “Everything you need to know about Colloidal Silver.”
Werner Kuhni and Walter von Holst, “Colloidal Silver: The Natural Antibiotic.”
Gordon Pedersen, PhD, “A New Fighting Chance: Silver Solution – A Quantum Leap in Silver Technology: How molecular structuring safely destroys bacteria, viruses and yeast.”
Tonita d’Raye, “The Wonder Cure Time Forgot, Colloidal Silver, Revised Edition.”
I hope that was useful, and it is my intention to establish a manufacturing capability so that I can share this ‘Magic Water’ with anyone who would like to try it.