Kinetic Chain Release (KCR)

How I became a KCR Practitioner

I came across the Kinetic Chain Release Academy during the second half of 2024, and the experience changed my life. 

I was referred to the organisation by Harry Rhodes of ‘Only Results Count‘, and was most interested in the suggestion that the practice may be able to realign my pelvis.

I’d had an operation to remove 1″ from my left femur when I was 30.  Although the operation was deemed a success, the result was deemed a failure, as I was still apparently 1″ short on my right side.

I spoke with Jane Wardlaw, who is the head honcho at the KCR Academy, and she was extremely candid and authentic.  She said that since I was such an unusual case, she would actually see me herself, at her premises just south of Glasgow, and that she couldn’t promise anything.

When I went down to see her, I was expecting a consultation prior to a referal to a more local practitioner, so when she asked me whether I wanted to go through the protocol with her, I jumped at the opportunity!

She measured my legs at the start, and I was indeed an inch shorter (apparently) on my right side.

She went through the protocol using very gentle muscle manipulations, and I felt every movement, both physically, and energetically.  It took about an hour.

I already felt incredible before she even assessed the resulting leg lengths.  It transpired that my legs were now the same length for the first time in 38 years!

For me, this was quite minblowing and life changing, and testiment to the fact that if you believe, then you can achieve anything you want, in time.  I never stopped believeing that I could walk normally again, despite all of the so-called experts telling me that I could never achieve it.

It turns out that the operation that I had at the age of 30 was actually a complete success, if they had only known how to realign my pelvis at the time!

All great news, however, it was no surprise to me that this was the beginning of the road to recovery.  What became immediately clear after the treatment was the degree of the significant strength deficiency in my right leg.  Also, after 38 years of physical and psychological memory, I had to learn to walk again!

KCR is an amazing physical and psychological manipulation, so my wife and I enrolled on a training course which was led by Jane and her head of training partner Seth Gardener.

Every month or so my leg length defficiency regresses by about one to on and a half centimeters, and although a 5 minute chiropractic treatment puts them back in alignment, it will be useful for my wife to be able to perform manitiance on me, so that eventually my body/psychology get used to walking straight!